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Listing your Property.

Once you have become a member you can list your property.  Most of the items you need to enter are very straightforward but here is some additional information in case you get stuck and to improve the look of your property listing.

  1. Featured Listing.  If you have signed up for this option when setting up your membership you will have this option.  If you have not, but want to have your property featured go back to your account open membership, and sign-up to and add this.
  2. If you do not complete a compulsory field you will not be able to move on to the next page and the missed item will be displayed in red.
  3. Property Description. We recommend you follow a similar format to this outline as this will encourage search engines to rank your page

        A brief overview of the property then take the reader through the accommodation:-

Entrance, Living Area, Kitchen, Bedrooms, Floors if more than one, Any ancillary accommodation or outbuildings, garage, etc.

Description of grounds, garden pool, or if community the shared facilities.

Description of the area where the property is situated. Distance to beach, shops, amenities, etc.

If in a community mention condo fees, related costs, etc.

WHY you are selling. Maybe you can no longer travel to the DR, or want to buy another larger/smaller property. Give a reason, as that is something a buyer is very likely to want to know.

  1. Photos. Please submit images that are all the same size as otherwise, the slider will jump up and down to accommodate the different heights as it moves from one to another. A recommended size is 1024 x 683
  2. Files & Documents.  Please upload at least one document to confirm you are the owner of the property. A utility bill is fine as long as it shows your name and the property address. We will delete this before making your listing live on the website.  This is to ensure Agents do not advertise their properties and mislead potential buyers.
  3. Additional Features. This is where you can select in an easy-to-view format features such Air-Con, Ocean Views, Private Pool, etc. You may have included some in your description but a list is easier for visitors to scan through quickly. Very important! Visitors do not necessarily want to read everything immediately but do want to see if your property has certain features meeting their needs. 
  4. Address and map.  Because your property is in the DR Google may not always accurately display its location.  If you know your co-ordinates you can enter them in the space provided but if not use the + sign in the map to zoom in, find your property and adjust the position of the icon. You do this by NOT moving the pin but by finding the position of your property on the map and pressing ENTER. The Pin will move to that location and the Lat and Long coordinates will be updated. If you prefer not to show your full address but do want your property, or its approximate location identified on the map you can search for your location on the map and place the pin at that point. You can then be less specific about your property address.
  5. Private Notes.  You probably won’t need this section but it is there if you want to send a message with your listing.  Anything entered here will not appear on the website.

One final tip.  We suggest you avoid the usual Estate Agent Jargon. Overuse of superlatives is commonplace in Real Estate listings and loses its impact. Above all be honest. Our reputation is as much at stake as yours.  We reserve the right to remove a property if the description turns out to be misleading.

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