On this page, you can find details of properties that visitors to Dominican Republic Properties FSBO have told us they are looking to purchase.
If you are the owner of a property matching the details provided you can either:
- Register and log in to the website and list your property for sale, or
- Use our contact form to send details of the property you have for sale.
You MUST BE the owner of the property and not an Agent
Wanted in Jarabacoa or Punta Cana
A villa is wanted in Jarabacoa or Punta Cana by one of our website visitors.
A price guide is US$ 200K and the buyer is looking for 2 bedrooms
If you own a property in one of these locations meeting this specification please let us know and we will pass the information to the prospective buyer.
Alternatively, you can list your property for sale here. Simply log in and enter the details and photos
Wanted in Juan Dolio, Jarabacoa, Punta Cana, or Monte Plata
A small Finca with a house is sought in Juan Dolio, Jarabacoa, Punta Cana or Monte Plata by one of our website visitors.
A price guide is US$ 200K and the buyer is looking for 4 bedrooms
If you own a property in one of these locations meeting this specification please let us know and we will pass the information to the prospective buyer.
Alternatively, you can list your property for sale here. Simply log in and enter the details and photos.
Wanted in Sosua, Cabarete, Samana,or Punta Cana
A 2-bed apartment/condo or villa is sought in Sosua, Cabarete, Samana, or Punta Cana by one of our website visitors.
A price guide is US$ 200K The buyer would like to be 5-10 minutes walk to a nice beach. They love being surrounded by plants, would like access to a pool, and to be able to walk or motorbike to town centers in a short time.
If you own a property in one of these locations meeting this specification please let us know and we will pass the information to the prospective buyer.
Alternatively, you can list your property for sale here. Simply log in and enter the details and photos.
Wanted in Sosua, Cabarete, or Punta Cana
A 2-bed apartment or villa is sought in Sosua, Cabarete, or Punta Cana by one of our website visitors.
A price guide is US$ 200K to US$ 300K and preferably within a reasonable walking distance of the beach & town, say one mile.
If you own a property in one of these locations meeting this specification please let us know and we will pass the information to the prospective buyer.
Alternatively, you can list your property for sale here. Simply log in and enter the details and photos.
Wanted in Bavaro
A 2-bed apartment is sought in Bavaro by one of our website visitors.
A price guide is US$100K
If you own a property in Bavaro meeting this specification please let us know and we will pass the information to the prospective buyer.
Alternatively, you can list your property for sale here. Simply login and enter the details and photos.
Wanted in Puerto Plata
Looking for an older apartment in central Puerto Plata. A minimum of two bedrooms but will consider up to four, but no more than four.
We know the City and one of us is Dominican and lived in Puerto Plata for many years. We currently live in Canada but the Dominican partner has a Dominican Passport.
The Dominican Partner’s parents live in Puerto Plata between the Forteleza and the central park.
This is a serious proposal and is open to negotiation depending on the size and location of the property.